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I am a twenty-three year old human being male. I'm mostly made out of water. I'm soggy.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Blasphemy comes easily. I keep thinking about the Virgin Mary, since I'm finally nearing that part of my larger painting to start painting her. I've been sketching out some icons and a few cursory annunciation scenes. I'd rather like to do some studies in oil of some of the forms she's taken. Perhaps if this painting is successful I'll manage to do a separate approach to an annunciation.

The concept of the Annunciation intrigues me. There's such brief but important mention of it in the scriptures, and there are many unanswered questions. This is good, though, because there's then a wide range to explore; her age, her setting, her service, her fear. Did she resent the lack of choice? Did she rejoice? Really? What if a girl today was announced by an angel that she was impregnated by a deity?